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NAUTICA • ALEXANDER NIKOLENKO ART&LUXURY COLLECTION • 2018                                                              NAUTICA • ALEXANDER NIKOLENKO ART&LUXURY COLLECTION • 2018

                                                   NA UTICA:

                             THE OCE AN OF AR CHE T YPES

                            Nautica is the new art&luxury collection from European and
                            Russian artist and master Alexander Nikolenko. In a series

                            of sea-themed artworks he explores deep archetypical
                            connection     between      marine      element     and     human

                            Carl  Jung thought of our  consciousness as  an  island,

                            surrounded by borderless ocean that represents the
                            unconscious. Alexander Nikolenko’s art objects represent
                            patterns and archetypes, a guiding threads in the dark

                            depths  of  that  unconsciousness.  His  deep  feeling  for  the
                            marine themes rooted in his past - all his childhood and
                            youth passed near Baltic, Japan and Black seas.

                            Diving into the symboilsm of cradle of life, Alexander

                            Nikolenko  is  actualising  the  timless  role  of  the  artist  -  to
                            explore  unknown  and  secret  spaces  of  the  unconscious.
                            And  if  result  of  such  artistic  research  in  the  ancient  past

                            was a successful hunt or victory, and in modern days it is an
                            aesthetic solution for overloaded consciousness, drowned
                            in the digital ocean of information.

                                         - ALE XANDER NIK OLENK O -

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